Wednesday, September 2, 2009

re: bad day

I'm not sure if anybody read that last post, I know I had trouble getting through it as I just reviewed it. Hey, I liked the first paragraph; sorry 'bout the rest. Too bad, too, because I had a follow up. Instead I think I'll delete all but that intro. Bad days come with the territory.

I didn't exactly have an easy day today, but it was nice. A Southern Indiana load, all the way down SR 37 to Tell City, then over to Owensboro, KY and back up, through terrain that could be mistaken for Appalachia, and often is. I rarely disavow people of that perception.

I got going early because I'd never been that route before, and having just been late twice...has to do with the deleted item and its followup...I didn't want anything unexpected to strike me out. You can't just look at the miles and compute a travel time because it's two lane most of the way; through the "mountains."

37 seemed like it'd be a great road to drive a high performance sports car over; smooth, but windy as hell, and well banked. I enjoyed it with my tractor-trailer, actually, because for almost the entire trip there was nobody behind me wishing I didn't exist. If only I could have seen the scenery. The sun didn't begin to rise till I was almost to Interstate 64. Then beauty was revealed incrementally as the all shadow gave way to vague distances defined by mist, then given breadth, definition and color, revealing a wide landscape both wild and pastoral; picture post-card perfect.

I was glad that the light was broad by the time that I got to Tell City since I'd never been to this receiver before. I located the store and fortunately there was a place along the street to park. I was way early, almost an hour and a half, and everything was closed up. I took a walk through the interesting nineteenth century town and noticed that the clock on the courthouse was slow, and so was the digital one outside the insurance agency. When I checked back at the truck I realized that they're on central time in that region of the Ohio Valley. I was even earlier than "way early," so I grabbed my book and headed down to the "Freezer Cafe'" that I'd noticed was open. After the dinner and breakfast I'd had...oops, part of that other story...I figured a hearty meal would be about the best thing I could give myself.

There's more to tell, there's always more to tell, but I've got to get to bed. I'll suffice it to say that on the way back over US 231, then US 50, and finally back up IN 37 (etc.) it was beautiful too; a bit more industrial, what with the nuclear power plant, the city of Jasper and the gypsum mine; but "it's all good."

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