Friday, March 22, 2013



Maybe it's not the speed of light. Maybe it's another modality, like the rate that dark matter decays.

I'd once read that if you travel the speed of light you could be everywhere in the universe at once. That means every when too, right? There is, after all, only now.

But that doesn't make sense. It still takes time for light to travel. Or does it?

So the reason we don't have single payer health care, like the rest of the Civilized World is that during the great recession it didn't make sense to put all those people working for the devil out of work? I agreed at the time but I'm having second thoughts.

How 'bout the Military? Who they all working for?

The easy answer is the American Taxpayer, and Military personel in turn pay taxes, but ask the women and children of North Waziristan. Have they even heard of due process?