Thursday, December 8, 2011

Occupy Nightmare

I don't really have anything to say except maybe: "Forgive them truck driver, they know not what they do." Or should that be, "Forgive them truck driver, they're stupid and can't do any better?" No, some are downright stupid, I'm sure, but most are simply ignorant. I wish they'd say, "Forgive him, for he is trying to pilot that behemoth safely through these streets and it ain't easy."

But why is it always about the job? I know it started out that way because being an over the road truck driver was novel and exciting and at that time the job and sleep eclipsed 90% of my life. It's no longer novel or exciting, but still consumes, along with the necessary sleep, at least 75% of me. I pay a heavy price to earn a living. And what a great living it is. I make a median income and still live paycheck to paycheck.

The days are short. Darkness fall early and the Xmas lights are up. They range from the trashy to the extravagant, and occasionally the truly elegant. I shouldn't put them down though, I do like them; I mean at least they're something to look at.

I started doing some research. I'm tired of this damned rhetoric from both sides of the aisle, but especially from the serfs staunchly defending their cruel overlords. It's tragically comical; stranger than fiction.

I don't remember my elementary school history well enough to retort but I'm sure what's being bandied about isn't right. After hearing an interview with Catherine Crier I decided to get her new book, *Patriot Acts.* I mean, she worked for Fox News, she's main stream enough that I can't get accused of reading subversive literature, which I'm also open to.

She thinks we're in deep do do, but we already knew that, right? I was after Adam Smith and the "Invisible Hand," but lack the time to read primary sources (or even Wikipedia entries with my schedule). Just as I thought: the Right's wrong; got it ass backward, or rather, "selectively edited" (quoting Catherine there). Given my new found penchant for speaking out I'm sure you'll hear more about this. If not, look it up.


  1. Go ahead, read subversive literature. What we've got has been perverted, why not subvert it?
