Damn, Winter has turned to Spring and Spring almost to Summer and I've uttered nary a word. Forgive me gentle reader.
So what have I been up to? About 5' 9”, but I might have started shrinking.
Sorry, working mostly, then hanging out with my womanfriend and playing computer games. How lucky could I be; Cate likes to watch me play; I can feed my addiction and entertain my date at the same time?
We went to see Lucinda Williams at the Bluebird last night. What a terrible venue. No seating, an air conditioning system that didn't work back in the 80's and hasn't been improved. I only hope that they finally cleaned up that sticky spot down by the church pew. And yet it was a fantastic show. You'd have had to have been there.
I wore my new tee shirt into the bar this evening but as much as I could say no one knew. The computer games are like that too. There aren't many gamers in the circles I frequent. I won't waste any words except to say that it's contemporary art, and there's some good shit out there.
So you have a sense of my personal life, and how good it is, and it is.
Yet work, which once promised to be something more has continued to be a nightmare. I used to travel the back roads in crappy equipment but I've been promoted to a decent tractor and am now doing regional stuff instead of that deep Indiana stuff. My loss.
It bears saying that a local driver organization dubbed me a “Master Truck Driver,” acknowledging my documented 10 years, if not the million + miles that are there, accident free, ticket free for more than three years. I almost earned that with JB Hunt, and the $10,000 that came with it, but there was always some little “incident” that kept me away from the jackpot. Nobody's perfect.
I got a certificate, a decal for my truck, and a coffee mug.
I was also awarded Driver of the Month at Stonebelt, the company I work for, and given a $100 gift certificate to Best Buy. Then I screwed up and broke some equipment. I told you I wasn't perfect. I won't be driver of the month again for awhile. I still hope to remain accident free.
So it's been awhile since my European vacation. I'd still like to share what that was like. I know I've been remiss as a blogger, but we're all friends here, right? Dare I say it?...Stay Tuned.