Saturday, June 20, 2015

Ghost Riders


Driving to work in the predawn darkness I saw something in the road ahead. It was big so I figured it was a deer, but wait, it looked like more than one. As I got closer it got stranger and stranger, like there was a whole herd, some large, some small, only they weren't ordinary deer. They looked really weird like alien beings or spectral manifestations, white walkers. Then another car topped the rise ahead of me and its headlights revealed the herd for what it actually was, a patch of ragged mist in a hollow of the road.


Monday, June 15, 2015

Real Thing


Damn, Winter has turned to Spring and Spring almost to Summer and I've uttered nary a word. Forgive me gentle reader.

So what have I been up to? About 5' 9”, but I might have started shrinking.

Sorry, working mostly, then hanging out with my womanfriend and playing computer games. How lucky could I be; Cate likes to watch me play; I can feed my addiction and entertain my date at the same time?

We went to see Lucinda Williams at the Bluebird last night. What a terrible venue. No seating, an air conditioning system that didn't work back in the 80's and hasn't been improved. I only hope that they finally cleaned up that sticky spot down by the church pew. And yet it was a fantastic show. You'd have had to have been there.

I wore my new tee shirt into the bar this evening but as much as I could say no one knew. The computer games are like that too. There aren't many gamers in the circles I frequent. I won't waste any words except to say that it's contemporary art, and there's some good shit out there.

So you have a sense of my personal life, and how good it is, and it is.

Yet work, which once promised to be something more has continued to be a nightmare. I used to travel the back roads in crappy equipment but I've been promoted to a decent tractor and am now doing regional stuff instead of that deep Indiana stuff. My loss.

It bears saying that a local driver organization dubbed me a “Master Truck Driver,” acknowledging my documented 10 years, if not the million + miles that are there, accident free, ticket free for more than three years. I almost earned that with JB Hunt, and the $10,000 that came with it, but there was always some little “incident” that kept me away from the jackpot. Nobody's perfect.

I got a certificate, a decal for my truck, and a coffee mug.

I was also awarded Driver of the Month at Stonebelt, the company I work for, and given a $100 gift certificate to Best Buy. Then I screwed up and broke some equipment. I told you I wasn't perfect. I won't be driver of the month again for awhile. I still hope to remain accident free.

So it's been awhile since my European vacation. I'd still like to share what that was like. I know I've been remiss as a blogger, but we're all friends here, right? Dare I say it?...Stay Tuned.