Fuzzy landscape, fuzzy head. A drizzly fog covered the countryside and I was operating on too little sleep. I had to get up earlier than usual but that wasn’t the problem. I’d gone to bed soon enough the night before then woke up again shortly after midnight and couldn’t get back to sleep. I don’t know what was wrong. My thoughts would begin solidifying into dreams, but something always brought me back to the surface again. I tried reading myself to sleep but the story became exciting. I wanted to keep going but knew I had to try and get some more shut eye. I finally gave up a half an hour before the alarm was set to ring and started my day.
No biggie. I had to be over in Columbus at 8:00 for a delivery. It being early on Labor Day there was hardly any traffic and with the wet roads and the fog nobody that was out was in any hurry. I was, kind of, because even though I’d gotten up early I’d dawdled, then couldn’t find the trailer on the yard at first and ended up running late. I didn’t hurry though. I thought, “Tough, I’m laboring on Labor Day and it won’t matter if I’m a little late.” I only hoped that the workers, who were also laboring on Labor Day weren’t waiting for me.
There was no cause for concern on that score though. When I got there the place was deserted. I walked around the entire property just to make sure. When I got back to the truck I checked the load information on the computer and sure enough the appointment was set for Tuesday. I was wondering if I’d screwed up so I listened to the voice-mail message that had come in Saturday about the load. There was my boss saying, “I need you to be in Columbus at 8:00 Monday morning to make a delivery.” I’d saved the message because it had the trailer number on it, just in case the info wasn’t on the computer for some reason.
I guess he meant the other Monday.